Ordinary girl turning to be energetic charming goddess
Zhang Yuanjiao customer service staff Age 30
Even though Zhang feels her nose not good-looking, her nose is small and flat, for getting excellent 3D nose, Zhang goes to Hanfei plastic hospital for changing. Wow, look, Zhang Yuanjiao after change, we are attracted by her charming beauty
Before and after
Charateristic:Flat nose, bulbous nose Beauty scheme:Europe-style Rhinoplasty
Doctor Review:Zhang Yuanjiao nose is flat, so the face contouring not good-looking, we could help her revise with the method of Europe-style Rhinoplasty
Beauty process:
1、Consulting before surgery
For changing to be charming goddess, Zhang Yuanjiao went to Hanfei for changing, Hanfei doctor help Zhang analysing her nose symptom, and offer suitable surgery scheme for her
Designing surgery scheme
2、Physical examination before surgery After well known the beauty scheme, nurse help Zhang Yuanjiao do physical examination, each person need to do physical examination for ensuring safety
Physical examination before surgery
3、PreparationAfter everything prepare well, Zhang wen to operation room with nurse
going to operation room
4、In operation Hanfei doctors help Zhang disinfect and apply anesthesia, after that, performing surgery according designed surgery method
In operation
Before and after
After surgery changing
After surgery effect, the nose shape is natural and beautiful
After surgery 2 days
After surgery 5 days, the nasal bridge is not swelling any more
After surgery 5 days
After surgery 7 days, nose has taken out stitches, it recovers well